Corpora:  Greece and the Islands

Inscriptiones Graecae

Official site of IG with overview of contents of individual volumes. The site also contains a digital edition with a selection of  texts and translations (,  and catalogues of squeezes that are in Berlin. For a concordance  IG - IG² (IG³)  and to SEG look on the  page Concordances in this website.


Information on the new IG corpus of Boiotia and other collections may be found here.


The inscriptions from Delphi were first published with buildings and the other monuments in Fouilles de Delphes; a formal corpus of inscriptions is under way: Corpus des Inscriptions de Delphes.  The inscriptions are of course also available via PHI. A selction of inscriptions with tranaslation and brief commentary was published by the EfA: A. Jacquemin et al, Choix d’inscriptions de Delphes,  (Etudes épigraphiques 5) The images can be found on the website of the EfA: >publlications > dernières publications > ressources en ligne>Études épigraphiques 5


Die Inschriften von Olympia (IvO) is on line via Heidelberg: inscriptions published since 1896 were collected by Peter Siewert and Hans Täuber: Die neue Inschriften von Olympia. Die ab 1896 veröffentlichten Texte. Vienna 2013. (Tyche Sonderband 7) An open access version can be downloaded here.




A number of photographs of inscriptions from Philippoi are put on-line by Prof. Peter Pilhofer of Erlangen University.


Paton and Hicks 1891 edition has been digitised - page/n5/mode/2up


Decourt: Inscriptions de Thessalie I. Les cités de la Vallée d'Eunippos

  © O M van Nijf 2021