Louis Robert


Contents of the Hellenica volumes

Opera Minora Selecta

Denis Rousset has put on-line  hera most useful overview of the reprints of article by Louis Robert in the volumes of his Opera Minora Selecta (1969-1990). Documents d’Asie Mineure  (1987) and Choix d’écrits (2007).  

Electronic links:

You will find here a list of links to articles by Louis Robert that are available electronically (ordered by publication on the  basis of the list compliled by Rousset). (Links require membership University of Groningen)

Le Fonds Louis Robert

The Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres in Paris hosts the papers of the late Louis Robert. These contain i.a.thematic dossiers compiled by LR, travel notes, excavations notes, photographs and squeezes.  For more information on the Fonds Louis   see here. A Flickr site with more than 5000 Photos,is maintained by the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies . The photographs are in the public domain. Visitors are invited to help with the identification.

  © O M van Nijf 2021